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Posted on June 27, 2024

If you want to get your security deposit back in full at the end of a lease, the best way to do that is through professional bond cleaning. 

Bond cleaning isn’t like a traditional, run-of-the-mill cleaning service. This type of cleaning is all about ensuring that you, the tenant, walk away with the full bond deposit that was paid at the beginning of your lease agreement. 

Want to know more? Keep reading to find out how Mint’s bond cleaning service can help you during the move-out process. 

What Is Bond Cleaning?

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Before renting any property, a landlord requires a bond deposit from the new tenant. This financially protects the landlord from potential damage done to the rental unit throughout the lease agreement, but it also motivates the tenant to respect the space. 

When a lease is terminated and the tenant makes plans to move out, the bond amount is returned to the tenant – as long as the property is clean and in tip-top shape. Current laws require tenants to clean a property before reimbursement of the bond amount, which is where bond cleaning services come into play.


In the midst of a move-out, nobody wants to deal with deep cleaning the kitchen stove or bathroom sink, so hiring a bond cleaner to ensure full reimbursement of the bond deposit is a great option. With professional bond cleaning, you can expect a deep clean of the property from top to bottom by a team of professional cleaners.  

Bond Cleaning Vs. End of Lease Cleaning

The terms bond cleaning and end-of-lease cleaning are often used interchangeably, and that’s because they’re essentially the same thing. Some people think that bond cleaning only applies to commercial properties, but bond cleaners can be hired for residential purposes as well. 


Whether you’re terminating a lease for a small apartment or a large office building, you can use a bond cleaning service to ensure your deposit is returned to you in full. 

What’s Does Bond Cleaning Include?

Unlike regular cleaning services that focus only on specific aspects of space, like carpets or upholstery, bond cleaners tackle the ENTIRE space so that the tenant receives the original bond amount. 


This includes everything from kitchen appliances and floors to bathroom tiles and tubs. With the right service, there won’t be an inch of the space that hasn’t been thoroughly inspected and cleaned. 


The best bond cleaners will come in with a checklist that includes every aspect of the space, checking items off as they go. The team will bring their own supplies and professional equipment to get the job done as thoroughly as possible. 

Why Bond Cleaning Is a Smart Investment

Many people assume that it’s possible to perform an end-of-lease clean on their own. While this may be the case, it’s not a wise use of your time, and failing to clean properly means you won’t receive your full deposit when it comes time to move out. 


While hiring a bond cleaning service isn’t free, it’s a smart investment for several reasons. First of all, it gives you the time to focus on other important tasks in your life, like finding a new place of residence and packing up your belongings. 


Most importantly, though, professional bond cleaners understand the system, and they know exactly what to do to increase your chances of receiving your bond money back in full. 


Lastly, a good bond cleaning allows you to leave your current apartment or office building in good standing. When you signed the lease, you committed to an agreement, and bond cleaning can help you to fulfill that agreement. 

Benefits of Choosing Mint’s Bond Cleaning Services

Like most cleaning companies, Mint Cleaning Group offers end-of-lease cleaning services for those in need of bond cleaning. 


But unlike most companies, Mint goes above and beyond with a 100% bond-back guarantee. That means you can rest easy knowing you’ll receive your full bond amount when it comes time to move out. 


Every member of our time is insured and qualified, and we offer a flexible cleaning schedule every day of the week. Want to know more? Get in touch today for a free quote on our bond cleaning services!