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Posted on May 19, 2020

Benefits of Strata Cleaners for Strata Managers

If you’re a strata property manager, you already know that you need a company with the right strata cleaners to make sure that all of your properties stay clean. Professional strata cleaners know just what to do to get into every nook and cranny so that the entire property is nice and super clean when...
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Posted on April 27, 2020

Should I use a professional cleaner for end of lease?

Whether it’s your own apartment or your own property that people are leasing from you, deciding whether to hire a professional for end-of-lease cleaning is a decision you’ll have to make at some point. When it’s your own apartment that you’re leaving, having professionals come in and clean it before you go is never a...
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Posted on March 27, 2020

Advantages of Regular Carpet Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning your carpet, choosing the professionals is your smartest option simply because most over-the-counter cleaning products aren’t nearly as thorough as the professionals are. In fact, professional cleaning companies use top-of-the-line products that are guaranteed to clean deep in your carpet and get every bit of grime and dirt removed so...
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Posted on February 27, 2020

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

Although weekly cleaning of your home is a must, this doesn’t mean that you have to clean your house from top to bottom every time. While basic cleaning duties such as bathroom cleans and floor cleaning are important, a once-a-year spring cleaning is also imperative to keep your home looking its best. These cleanings allow...
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Posted on January 27, 2020

What does construction cleaning include and what are the benefits

If you compare the cleaning of a house or office to the cleaning of a newly built home that the contractors just got finished with, there is a lot of difference to notice. When a construction company finishes building a home, it’ll have debris and gunk on it that will need to be removed. This...
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Posted on December 27, 2019

What’s Included in an End of Lease Clean?

If your lease is up in the apartment you’re renting, you have a decision to make — how to best handle the cleaning of the home so that your landlord doesn’t end up keeping your deposit. In other words, the apartment has to be spotless from top to bottom before you leave. This is often...
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